The Uppsala Conflict Data Program, which provides the ‘gold standard’ definition of ‘war’ for research purposes, defines ‘war’ as armed conflict resulting in at least 1,000 battle-related deaths in a calendar year. The threshold for ‘armed conflict’ is 25 battle-related deaths in a calendar year.
Tag: armed conflict

Issue Briefings 14 • 2016 • By Mark Valencia
As the US Navy increases its presence in the South China Sea in an attempt to maintain US primacy in Asia, it risks provoking a military clash with China. If regional stability is to be maintained, the US will need to rethink its strategy and seek a compromise.

Issue Briefings 2 • 2015 • Serafettin Yilmaz
Despite growing tensions in the South China Sea, two reasons suggest that the maritime territorial disputes are unlikely to devolve into armed conflict.